Certifications & Associations

Certified Metal Finishing and Plating from Industry Experts

Arlington Plating Company provides certified metal finishing and plating to a wide variety of industries.  The company and our employees are active members of NASF (National Association for Surface Finishing), as well as the association’s Chicago Midwest Chapter branch.

We are also members of the Aluminum Anodizers Council. Our global automotive, motorcycle and aluminum anodizing certifications are extensive and most recently includes being awarded a MacDermid Enthone DecoKlad applicator license.

We are actively involved in trade associations to stay informed about social, environmental, and economic trends in our industry. Locally, our goal is to contribute to our community by providing jobs, supporting charitable organizations, and purchasing domestic materials. Please visit our news release section for more updates on our activities.

National Association for Surface Finishing Chicago Metal Finishers Institute
The ESOP Association AAC logo